The Most Supreme Face Serum by Inlight Beauty

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inlight beauty supreme face serum

inlight beauty supreme face serum

inlight beauty supreme face serum

The wisdom behind Inlight Beauty is Dr Mariano Spiezia – medical doctor, clinical herbalist and homeopath. Fusing science, nature & alchemy, Inlight Beauty’s products are handcrafted in Cornwall, UK & they are the only 100% organic certified skincare brand.

The product we really want to feature for Inlight Beauty’s first post on our feed is their Supreme Face Serum. This is Dr Spiezia’s most exclusive product to date, produced in very small batches of 50 and only a few times a year.

Detox, replenish, and nourish your glow. Bring back your inner radiance with this 4-week supreme routine designed to support your skin alongside the changing rhythms of the seasons and moon cycles. This ritual follows the moon/skin cycle of 28 days.

You’ll find gemstones nestled in each vial, individually lovingly cleansed and charged over the course of two months by Dr Spiezia himself to subtly restore and enhance your skin's own frequency.

Week 1 - detox and re-set the skin - Amethyst

Week 2 – replenish the skin with antioxidants - Topaz

Week 3 – nourish the skin with super phytonutrients - Tourmaline

Week 4 - imparts a lasting glow and radiance - Ruby

Once every drop of serum is finished, you can collect and cherish the exquisite gemstones whose effect is not diminished over time - a pure, powerful and unique keepsake just for you.

Supreme Face Serum is available here.

Photos by Inlight Beauty.

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